Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hmmm...I'm Late

Okay, I didn't get right back to my new blog in a timely manner to post fresh, new content. But, I did make it back before the month of February ended! As I continue to contemplate what to write about here, I keep coming back to my core competencies, the chief areas that I've focused on over the course of my career. But, that's the professional side of who I am--what if I also want to talk about the personal side? What's the best way to incorporate that approach into a new blog space? In the current bold age of all things blog, future employers may well stumble across my musings, or potential clients, if I decide to take on any freelance clients.

How have you determined what to include in your blog, and how did you decide the ratio of professional to personal?

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Getting Started--Finally Broke Down

Greetings! My name is Janet McGreevy, and to be honest, I'm just doing this blog for a grade:)

Seriously, I've been thinking about blogging for at least an eon in IT time, but for whatever reason, just never pursued it before now. This is at least partially related to my working and learning style--I tend to learn and do things when I need to. When I *really* need to. And...I am taking an online class about tech tools in learning, and a key part of this week's assignments is getting your own blog going.

Still, I'm thinking that since the issue has been forced, I might stick with it.

What will I write about?? Not sure. I'm a writer by trade, working in marketing/communications, so it would be easy to speculate that coming up with topics and comments should be a snap. Not so. I'm pretty sure that I've been over-thinking the whole thing. It might be easier to get started and keep with it, if I just go with the flow. As you can tell from this posting, that's the method that I opted to go with.

A time-honored tradition in writing classes is to write what you know, talk about what interests you. Where does that leave me?

Working me is interested in most things web, how humans communicate and what they mean when they do, and how visuals interact with words to create a message. Although this blog post might belie this, I enjoy information architecture, thinking about how bits of information can work together, again to create meaning and message.

Working me also has job roles that I've come to miss quite a lot, one of these being training and staff development. I love the look on a learner's face when they "get it"--when the teaching, the training truly becomes learning for someone.

Personal me is generally happiest when my hands are in the dirt, planting plants, moving rocks, clearing brush on a lakeside hill. Personal me also enjoys sci-fi, action-adventure, and mysteries, in books or TV.

So, maybe these things will form the basis of what I write about here. Maybe not. We'll see.